The last year has been one of change. Moving to GR. Moving to VA. Different jobs. Re-designing my future. Re-discovering my passions. It was also a year filled with struggle. I struggled with my family, my finances, my self worth, my purpose, my future, my past... you get the jist.
When I first moved to VA, Ben and I attended a "miracle offering" service at his church. Every year Wave church does this. Members bring their greatest needs to God with a seemingly risky financial offering - believing that our God is a God that can do anything. And wow, do people have testimonies. This particular service I was broke (and frustrated about that fact) and had the same stress and anxiety that I had for the prior 6 months... money. Student loans. Medical bills. More medical bills. I felt like I was drowning. So I gave a chunk of what I had- knowing I could and should have offered even more- and I asked for provision. I didn't want to be held down by these roller coaster emotions of anxiety and feel like I couldn't be a part of the ministries and opportunities I ultimately felt called to do because I had to make a significant paycheck every month.
God has provided every step of the way. In wonderful ways. Starting with my temporary job at the American Cancer Society- which was stressful, but gave me the experience I needed to get my next position at the Hermitage museum where I currently work. Both of these positions had immense numbers of applications and even interviews of which I was obviously chosen from. Although, taking the second job was a leap of faith because it required a bit of a pay cut- but its provided the exact experience I want and need and also allows me to work in my area of concentration. I see it being a positive building block for my future. I began doubting the place I was... again.
I began a half-assed search for a second job. Took a retail position at Banana Republic but unfortunately spend most of my pathetic paycheck on their fabulous clothes. A new beer bar was opening up in Norfolk and I decided I would give it a shot even though they'd been hiring for months. Turns out, of all the applications they received, I was the only person they responded to. (This seems to be a trend. thank you, God.)
Needless to say- From opening day there has been consistent money flowing to this business and a significant amount going into my bank account. God has answered a HUGE, and on-going plea and prayer. I cannot say how long it will last, but for the time being He has blessed me with freedom to pay my bills and then some without a financial worry in the world. I'm so ecstatic I've put realistic plans into action to be debt free (minus a school loan) in 4 months. (!) I feel unworthy, but so honored.
God is faithful in answering our prayers when we are faithful in bringing Him our needs and trusting He is who He says He is.
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