So I may or may not have forgotten to mention that my blog moved.
I'm leaning more toward "not"...
new name. new blog.
Virginia Beach Justice Initiative
It's real.
It's real.
The last few years I have been struggling to figure out what it is I'm supposed to do in life. I've been on the non-profit track for quite some time now and have been confident that I am an idealist who needs to have some type of tangible impact in my "career". Mixing that with my art background has been a fun and wonderful ride; I will always appreciate and love art-especially photography. Deep down, I have known that art is not my #1 head-over-heels passion. I'm not really sure what word describes what my passion is- but it's people. Specifically: women. Young women. Young women who are vulnerable and at high-risk for injustice and violation; especially sexual injustice and violation.
How convenient that I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, who has a strong passion for abolishing the cruel reality of Sex Trafficking.
How convenient that I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, who has a strong passion for abolishing the cruel reality of Sex Trafficking.
Together we have dreamed many dreams of starting an organization that focuses on educating and ultimately preventing these nightmares so many women live in today. We have dreams of building on that idea and starting a shelter for women coming out of sex trafficking and a community center for young women and survivors to frequent and learn life skills and art and get counseling and begin integrating back into society.
The first step of many of these dreams has come true. At a training for Hands That Heal (a curriculum for working in after-care with victims of trafficking) Ben and I approached a woman we have loads of respect for who founded the organization Richmond Justice Initiative. We told her we lived in VB and wanted to be involved any way we could and we could love to help get something going in our area. Well, Ben and I honestly thought this would be something we would slowly be involved in through the leading of someone else and it would be months down the road. Little did we know, God had something else in store.
We immediately scheduled a meeting with Sara and three other people interested in getting involved in the starting of a Virginia Beach Justice Initiative. A model is already laid out courtesy of International Justice Mission and Richmond Justice Initiative, so there is not much re-inventing that needs to be done-- just a lot of steps toward getting support, getting our name out, connecting with churches and organizations, and then becoming an official 501c3.
In order to be more a part of this, I put in my two-week notice at the museum. This was an extremely difficult decision to make because my job there was really enjoyable. But there was no guarantee the position would go full time and I have been working 3 jobs to supplement my income so I could continue to work there... I am getting married soon and I would like my life back. So after much thought, stress, frustration, tears and finally TRUST- I put in my notice. (No more 80 hour weeks!!!!)
It is incredibly freeing to know I can pour my energy into beginning an organization with my husband. God has opened so many of the right doors and given us the right tools. We are trusting and praying for so much more! It is a very humbling experience so far. I feel generally clueless in every step we move forward with. Without God there is no way we will succeed. Thats how we know we are a part of something big-- it is so beyond our capabilities. We feel honored to be such a large part of this initiative. Please pray for the victims we are advocating for. Pray for the struggles so many men woman and children are facing by having their freedoms stripped and being forced into labor and prostitution. Pray for the success of this organization- no matter who is a part of it. Pray for provision of all sorts: people, finances, opportunities, connections, volunteers, you name it we probably need it. Thank you :)
This is who we are:
Virginia Beach Justice Initiative is a grassroots organization consisting of volunteers who have a passion to see an end to human trafficking, specifically the human trafficking going on in our own back yard. | |
| Our Mission is to bring an end to issues of the injustice of human trafficking by empowering the residents of Virginia Beach and the surrounding area by providing education, awareness and prevention campaigns, and hosting fundraising events to support credible organizations that are involved in the work of eradicating human trafficking on a national and international level. |
Today I am reminded of God's goodness, and challenged by His calling on us as believers to live in His truth and His spirit. Take a second and think about what is inside you right now. If we are truly honest with ourselves, what are the things that are filling our minds? Most likely, it's the things we are worried by, stressed from, anxious of, or angry with.
May we come to see that God is here. Right here, right now.
If we allow ourselves to have a changed perspective, it is easy to see that God is here; right now. It's easy to give Him credit for our existence. His breath is our life. Subsequently it's even easier to disregard that by holding things in that are not His truth. We let these small distractions harbor within us until we get to a point that we cannot even recognize the holy ground upon which we walk.
The spirit of God guides us into truth and God gives the spirit without limit. How amazing is that? God guides us and gives us His spirit without limitation?! It's hard to wrap my mind around that and yet that truth disappears at the sight of life's small adversities. Responsibilities hurry us and we miss out not only on the truth that God is HERE and He wants to bless us abundantly with His spirit (which consequently brings Joy), but we also miss out on revelations and burning bushes and blessings and opportunities to show His light.
What is He trying to tell us that we are too distracted to hear?
May we come to see that God is here. Right here, right now.
Ephesians 4: 1-6
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
God is near
Deuteronomy 6:10-15
When the Lord your God has brought you into the land that he swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—a land with fine, large cities that you did not build, houses filled with all sorts of goods that you did not fill, hewn cisterns that you did not hew, vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant—and when you have eaten your fill, take care that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. The Lord your God you shall fear; him you shall serve, and by his name alone you shall swear. Do not follow other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who are all around you, because the Lord your God, who is present with you, is a jealous God. The anger of the Lord your God would be kindled against you and he would destroy you from the face of the earth.
Satisfaction and idolatry are connected because our hearts don't want to dependent on anyone or anything else for our care, sustenance and safety. We desire control over all of these things, but control is the very face of the “other god’s” that the bible warns us about.
When the Lord your God has brought you into the land that he swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—a land with fine, large cities that you did not build, houses filled with all sorts of goods that you did not fill, hewn cisterns that you did not hew, vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant—and when you have eaten your fill, take care that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. The Lord your God you shall fear; him you shall serve, and by his name alone you shall swear. Do not follow other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who are all around you, because the Lord your God, who is present with you, is a jealous God. The anger of the Lord your God would be kindled against you and he would destroy you from the face of the earth.
Satisfaction and idolatry are connected because our hearts don't want to dependent on anyone or anything else for our care, sustenance and safety. We desire control over all of these things, but control is the very face of the “other god’s” that the bible warns us about.
Are we more prone to ignore God in moments of provision and abundance or in moments of pain? How often are we tempted to forget God when we have everything we want?
The [long-winded] Story
We have yet to make a wedding blog, but I wanted to share Ben's and my story. God's orchestration could not be more evident than in the early story of our relationship. I tried to cut it as short as possible, but it is still a bit long.
Our meeting:
Ben and I met through mutual friends who were planning to get married. Their love for each other did more than bond them for life. Ultimately without their union, I would have never met Ben. At the time of our meeting, summer 2009, I was in a relationship, living in Nashville, TN, and working as a Nanny and freelance photographer/photo assistant. My schedule was mapped out months in advance and I had taken one particular week off because my current boyfriend and I had planned to take a vacation. For whatever reason that vacation never happened, but Casey's parents were planning a surprise engagement party for her and asked some of her friends if they could make it to VA for the party. I so conveniently had that week off, so I flew to Virginia Beach. Ben and Casey's fiancée, Jeremiah, had known each other since they were young so when I got into town, Miah called Ben and the four of us hung out the entire week I was visiting. I had no intention of liking Ben. I actually was not at all into him, not in the least. (sorry, Ben)
I left to go home, Ben took me to the airport at 5am. I was very intrigued by his optimism and genuine zeal for life, but we had almost no communication after I left VA. A few months later the relationship I was in ended quite dramatically the night before I had planned to fly home for a visit to Michigan. My flight was awful because I drank too much during my lay-over and just cried and drooled on the kid next to me. (worse idea ever) That same day, I checked my email and had an encouraging message from Ben saying he didn't know why he was emailing me, but he had woken up in the middle of the night and read some verses from the Bible that he felt he should pass along. Needless to say, this email didn't help my whirlwind of emotions and I closed my computer before I finished reading the message. The last thing I needed was some amazingly optimistic godly man complicating my life during a break-up. I never went back and finished reading the email...
The development of our relationship:
A couple more months went by, I had the occasional small talk with Ben on Facebook, but nothing significant. December came around and it was time for Casey and Jeremiah's wedding. Again I flew to Virginia Beach, and I saw Ben at the rehearsal dinner. I was strangely excited to see him. (Mind you, during the entirety of Casey's wedding planning she confessed her scheme to force me and Ben into marriage. This only made me not want to like him more.) After the dinner, some of us made plans to go out and play pool, nothing spectacular, but again I was drawn to something in Ben. From this point on, the rest of the time I was in VA Ben and I were subtly trying to be near each other. We were like magnets. Ben was staying at the Brook's house until the wee hours of the morning to hang out with everyone and ultimately be near me as long as possible. We both were surviving on just a few hours of sleep per night so we could spend time together before I left.
Casey's wedding was wonderful. Ben and I were both in the wedding party and we were, of course, walking partners. Everyone could tell there was something happening even before we were willing to admit it to ourselves. The end of that week came fast, and it was time for me to go home for the holidays. I had a 14 hour drive back to the Midwest with my second family, the Roomes, and Ben and I texted almost the entire day. I was definitely on cloud 9. When I finally made it back to Michigan the texts were replaced by phone calls, most lasting no less than 3 hours. Sleep was not a priority. I remember laying in the guest room at my dads house until 4:30am on the phone laughing and talking and never wanting to hang up the phone. This same week I also went back and found that first email Ben wrote me. I finally finished reading it, and was amazed by his character and the verses he felt God telling him to encourage me with. It was amazing. At the end of my holiday stay I traveled back to Nashville to spend just a few more weeks there packing my things and preparing for the move home. I had no idea what was in store for Ben and I. Michigan and Virginia are not close.
A month later we decided to meet up in Cinncinnati, OH at Casey and Miah's home for a celebration weekend. Ben flew from VA, I drove from MI, Calen drove from TN, and Casey's cousin drove from KY. The 6 of us had an awesome weekend together, Ben and I had our first "official" date at a jazz restaurant down the street and the day before Ben flew home he asked me to be his girlfriend. January 24th. The next morning he had to fly back to VA and we desperately did not want to part ways. His flight was scheduled to leave at 6am so I drove to the airport and to our surprise, Ben's flight was delayed until that evening. (!) We had another afternoon to be together as a couple! It was perfect. And so began our long distance relationship.
This lasted 6 months. Six months of skype dates and plane rides and road trips and no sleep and constant texting. We were over it. I prayed for some kind of opportunity and within a month I had found a job with the American Cancer Society in Virginia Beach and Casey's parents offered me a place to stay until I could get my feet on the ground. More provision! I moved to VA June 1st and God has not stopped revealing himself! Around the holidays this year Ben and I got serious about taking steps toward our future together. Unfortunately, the investment of an engagement ring seemed somewhat of a discouragement to us. We prayed for provision if this was the plan God had for us. Shortly after Ben's mom offered us her mother's diamond ring. We were ELATED! We felt like it was a double answer to prayer: confirmation and provision. I was very excited to have such a special piece of jewelry too. Then just last month I went to MI to visit my family and my dad and Aunt offered us my grandmother's ring, the ring we decided to accept and re-set. It was my dad's mom's ring. The diamond is stunning: 1ct round cut, colorless and flawless to the naked eye. But more than anything it is yet another testament to God's provision and such a perfect piece of sentiment from the Harvey family. I am so honored to have an heirloom diamond.
Our last 9 months have held a lot of growth for both of us individually and as a couple, but we have seen how perfectly our dreams align and we have been able to develop realistic plans for our future together. It is safe to say we are beyond excited about what God has in store for us.
And the engagement (finally!)
Ben and I are more of the sentimental type, opting for adventures and memories over a shower of material things. So, naturally, our engagement was personal, intimate, and sentential; reminiscent of a significant memory from the beginning of our relationship.
It was a Thursday evening and we had made plans to eat dinner with friends, but Ben had asked me to stop at his house before hand because he had a lot of "things" to do. I remember driving to his house thinking "I wonder if he's going to propose tonight?". (Mind you, this was a thought I had almost daily since I knew my ring was set or at least close to being set.) I got to Ben's house and was surprised he was not doing any of the "things" he said he needed to get done before dinner. He said he had finished them. weird. I tried not to look into it. We talked about our days and Ben mentions some news about the ring adding "we'll find out more when the ring is done". * He's not proposing tonight. *
I sat in the kitchen, hungry, wondering why we can't eat dinner now instead of waiting 2 hours. Ben disappeared for a second, returning with his computer playing a song by The Tallest Man on Earth (one of my favorite musicians). The album that was playing has specific significance to my difficult adjustment period this past summer. Moving to the East coast was not an easy thing for me and as a gesture to cheer me up, Ben bought The Wild Hunt album for me which we listened to on his roof under the stars.
As the music was playing Ben fondly reminded me of that evening, then asked if I wanted to go on the roof. I did, of course. We climbed on top of the roof and laid out a blanket, sat back, listened to The Wild Hunt, and talked. Ben and I could sit pretty much anywhere together and do nothing but talk and laugh and be perfectly content. As we talked about the view we wished we had from the roof, Ben asked me to stand up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet; we stood with our arms wrapped around each other discussing the things we hoped to do together and the peoples stories we hoped to be a part of. At the closing of that conversation Ben dropped to one knee and told me he wanted me to be his wife and opened a little black box holding the most beautiful, breath-taking ring I'd ever seen. At that point, everything became a blur. After staring at that box for what felt like an hour I realized he was proposing to me. I don't really remember what I said, and I don't even recall him asking "Caitlin will you marry me?", but I remember the feelings of love and excitement that totally consumed me. Even after months of talking about our future together, I was still amazed that Ben was asking for my hand in marriage. After the realization that this WAS really happening, the tears began and I was overjoyed that I would get to spend the rest of my life with Ben.
From the day we met God's hand has been obvious in our relationship. He perfectly orchestrated every detail that has gotten us to this point together. We have yet to decide a date for our wedding, but we have no doubt that we are supposed to be together not just because we are in love but also because God has a greater purpose for our lives together.
Our meeting:
Ben and I met through mutual friends who were planning to get married. Their love for each other did more than bond them for life. Ultimately without their union, I would have never met Ben. At the time of our meeting, summer 2009, I was in a relationship, living in Nashville, TN, and working as a Nanny and freelance photographer/photo assistant. My schedule was mapped out months in advance and I had taken one particular week off because my current boyfriend and I had planned to take a vacation. For whatever reason that vacation never happened, but Casey's parents were planning a surprise engagement party for her and asked some of her friends if they could make it to VA for the party. I so conveniently had that week off, so I flew to Virginia Beach. Ben and Casey's fiancée, Jeremiah, had known each other since they were young so when I got into town, Miah called Ben and the four of us hung out the entire week I was visiting. I had no intention of liking Ben. I actually was not at all into him, not in the least. (sorry, Ben)
I left to go home, Ben took me to the airport at 5am. I was very intrigued by his optimism and genuine zeal for life, but we had almost no communication after I left VA. A few months later the relationship I was in ended quite dramatically the night before I had planned to fly home for a visit to Michigan. My flight was awful because I drank too much during my lay-over and just cried and drooled on the kid next to me. (worse idea ever) That same day, I checked my email and had an encouraging message from Ben saying he didn't know why he was emailing me, but he had woken up in the middle of the night and read some verses from the Bible that he felt he should pass along. Needless to say, this email didn't help my whirlwind of emotions and I closed my computer before I finished reading the message. The last thing I needed was some amazingly optimistic godly man complicating my life during a break-up. I never went back and finished reading the email...
The development of our relationship:
A couple more months went by, I had the occasional small talk with Ben on Facebook, but nothing significant. December came around and it was time for Casey and Jeremiah's wedding. Again I flew to Virginia Beach, and I saw Ben at the rehearsal dinner. I was strangely excited to see him. (Mind you, during the entirety of Casey's wedding planning she confessed her scheme to force me and Ben into marriage. This only made me not want to like him more.) After the dinner, some of us made plans to go out and play pool, nothing spectacular, but again I was drawn to something in Ben. From this point on, the rest of the time I was in VA Ben and I were subtly trying to be near each other. We were like magnets. Ben was staying at the Brook's house until the wee hours of the morning to hang out with everyone and ultimately be near me as long as possible. We both were surviving on just a few hours of sleep per night so we could spend time together before I left.
Casey's wedding was wonderful. Ben and I were both in the wedding party and we were, of course, walking partners. Everyone could tell there was something happening even before we were willing to admit it to ourselves. The end of that week came fast, and it was time for me to go home for the holidays. I had a 14 hour drive back to the Midwest with my second family, the Roomes, and Ben and I texted almost the entire day. I was definitely on cloud 9. When I finally made it back to Michigan the texts were replaced by phone calls, most lasting no less than 3 hours. Sleep was not a priority. I remember laying in the guest room at my dads house until 4:30am on the phone laughing and talking and never wanting to hang up the phone. This same week I also went back and found that first email Ben wrote me. I finally finished reading it, and was amazed by his character and the verses he felt God telling him to encourage me with. It was amazing. At the end of my holiday stay I traveled back to Nashville to spend just a few more weeks there packing my things and preparing for the move home. I had no idea what was in store for Ben and I. Michigan and Virginia are not close.
A month later we decided to meet up in Cinncinnati, OH at Casey and Miah's home for a celebration weekend. Ben flew from VA, I drove from MI, Calen drove from TN, and Casey's cousin drove from KY. The 6 of us had an awesome weekend together, Ben and I had our first "official" date at a jazz restaurant down the street and the day before Ben flew home he asked me to be his girlfriend. January 24th. The next morning he had to fly back to VA and we desperately did not want to part ways. His flight was scheduled to leave at 6am so I drove to the airport and to our surprise, Ben's flight was delayed until that evening. (!) We had another afternoon to be together as a couple! It was perfect. And so began our long distance relationship.
This lasted 6 months. Six months of skype dates and plane rides and road trips and no sleep and constant texting. We were over it. I prayed for some kind of opportunity and within a month I had found a job with the American Cancer Society in Virginia Beach and Casey's parents offered me a place to stay until I could get my feet on the ground. More provision! I moved to VA June 1st and God has not stopped revealing himself! Around the holidays this year Ben and I got serious about taking steps toward our future together. Unfortunately, the investment of an engagement ring seemed somewhat of a discouragement to us. We prayed for provision if this was the plan God had for us. Shortly after Ben's mom offered us her mother's diamond ring. We were ELATED! We felt like it was a double answer to prayer: confirmation and provision. I was very excited to have such a special piece of jewelry too. Then just last month I went to MI to visit my family and my dad and Aunt offered us my grandmother's ring, the ring we decided to accept and re-set. It was my dad's mom's ring. The diamond is stunning: 1ct round cut, colorless and flawless to the naked eye. But more than anything it is yet another testament to God's provision and such a perfect piece of sentiment from the Harvey family. I am so honored to have an heirloom diamond.
Our last 9 months have held a lot of growth for both of us individually and as a couple, but we have seen how perfectly our dreams align and we have been able to develop realistic plans for our future together. It is safe to say we are beyond excited about what God has in store for us.
And the engagement (finally!)
Ben and I are more of the sentimental type, opting for adventures and memories over a shower of material things. So, naturally, our engagement was personal, intimate, and sentential; reminiscent of a significant memory from the beginning of our relationship.
It was a Thursday evening and we had made plans to eat dinner with friends, but Ben had asked me to stop at his house before hand because he had a lot of "things" to do. I remember driving to his house thinking "I wonder if he's going to propose tonight?". (Mind you, this was a thought I had almost daily since I knew my ring was set or at least close to being set.) I got to Ben's house and was surprised he was not doing any of the "things" he said he needed to get done before dinner. He said he had finished them. weird. I tried not to look into it. We talked about our days and Ben mentions some news about the ring adding "we'll find out more when the ring is done". * He's not proposing tonight. *
I sat in the kitchen, hungry, wondering why we can't eat dinner now instead of waiting 2 hours. Ben disappeared for a second, returning with his computer playing a song by The Tallest Man on Earth (one of my favorite musicians). The album that was playing has specific significance to my difficult adjustment period this past summer. Moving to the East coast was not an easy thing for me and as a gesture to cheer me up, Ben bought The Wild Hunt album for me which we listened to on his roof under the stars.
As the music was playing Ben fondly reminded me of that evening, then asked if I wanted to go on the roof. I did, of course. We climbed on top of the roof and laid out a blanket, sat back, listened to The Wild Hunt, and talked. Ben and I could sit pretty much anywhere together and do nothing but talk and laugh and be perfectly content. As we talked about the view we wished we had from the roof, Ben asked me to stand up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet; we stood with our arms wrapped around each other discussing the things we hoped to do together and the peoples stories we hoped to be a part of. At the closing of that conversation Ben dropped to one knee and told me he wanted me to be his wife and opened a little black box holding the most beautiful, breath-taking ring I'd ever seen. At that point, everything became a blur. After staring at that box for what felt like an hour I realized he was proposing to me. I don't really remember what I said, and I don't even recall him asking "Caitlin will you marry me?", but I remember the feelings of love and excitement that totally consumed me. Even after months of talking about our future together, I was still amazed that Ben was asking for my hand in marriage. After the realization that this WAS really happening, the tears began and I was overjoyed that I would get to spend the rest of my life with Ben.
From the day we met God's hand has been obvious in our relationship. He perfectly orchestrated every detail that has gotten us to this point together. We have yet to decide a date for our wedding, but we have no doubt that we are supposed to be together not just because we are in love but also because God has a greater purpose for our lives together.
For today..
Instead of seeking an answer, pray instead for the reality of God’s kingdom to be shown in living color through your question, through the world, and through the people around you.
A Thought
Tonight the question was asked:
"Is this how God made you? Or is this how you made yourself?"
God created each of us to be unique in His image. He made you and me a certain special way, but as life takes its course each of us takes the reigns and begins to create our own idea of self. In time, our relationships with God change us, bringing us back to the "original blueprint"or the plan he had for us from the beginning. We're not being changed from ourselves, we're being changed into ourselves.
Often times I have struggled with really being open to change within myself. Change everything around me and I can easily adapt, but real change in me is more difficult. I can be stuck in my ways and I am stubborn. It's always the little things I don't really want to let go of, the things I say make me who I am. Some of those personality traits ARE what make me who I am, but there are things like my tendency to be a bit crass or lack humility or to swear maybe a little more than I need to... sometimes I say "that is just who I am" because I've been identified by certain things I've always done and it's hard to imagine me without something unique in my eyes to be distinguished by. So it's comforting to have a new perspective; that God is not changing me to make me a different person, God is changing me to really make me who I am, who I know I am and who I feel I am deep inside. And I am defined only by God. I don't need to be a certain way to impress anyone. I am unique. I am special. I am gifted. I am chosen. I am beautiful. I am one of a kind. I was created by the King of kings. And He is changing me day by day by day.... and honestly I couldn't be more excited about it.
Hands that heal

I have been following this truly phenomenal organization, Richmond Justice Initiative, for about 5 months now. I came across them on the web randomly during an afternoon of blog searching. (I am in love with blogs and not ashamed to admit it.) I was really excited about coming across RJI, because there are few anti-trafficking organizations in the Hampton Roads area and I have been aching to be involved in a community dedicated to giving back to abused women. I'm being patient in waiting for God's timing to provide the right opportunity for my involvement, but in the mean time I have been closely keeping up with RJI and many other organizations like it, and have attended a couple of their interest and informational meetings.
Recently they sent out an email about an aftercare training they were holding along a couple other organizations I had been reading about, The Gray Haven Project and the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST). Saying I was VERY excited about the weekend training would be a severe understatement. The only problem... my work schedule is insane. I didn't think I would be able to get any time off for the training so I dismissed the idea entirely from my mind. Every time I saw the email in my inbox or saw something pop up on facebook about the training my insides burned. I wanted more than anything to register. So just a couple days ago I told Ben about it. It was weird that I waited so long to even tell him since we share pretty much everything, but he got excited and encouraged me to sign us up saying it would be a wonderful thing for us to attend together (to which I enthusiastically agreed!)I emailed RJI and turns out we weren't too late, there was just a couple of spots left. After registering the only thing I had to do was actually get Friday night off work which I felt was impossible. Reminder: nothing is impossible with God. He provided and I was amazed at how willing my coworkers were to figure out a way to cover the evening so I could get away to Richmond.
The training is called "Hands that Heal". It's a 2-day session starting Friday evening and finishing up Saturday afternoon. Ben and I have both been eager to get involved with trafficking victims and both have been praying and waiting for the right opportunities. We tend to get a head of ourselves so we've been trying to wait for Gods hand to lead. This event is most certainly from Him. We are completely excited at what the weekend will offer with information, equipment, community, relationships, connections, opportunity, etc. Ben and I both have loose ends to tie up with school and finances, but we are very close to being at the end of that road and both of us are waiting for God to give us the "go-ahead" to pursue our passions full-force. I'm optimistic that this next weekend will bring clarity to the next step of our future and how we fit into the ministry with human trafficking.
I've been praying the prayer of Jabez trusting that God is enlarging our territory and opening and closing the right doors for us!
"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request." 1 Chronicles 4:10
You are the Click to my Clack

Happy Valentine's Day!!
Today remember all the wonderful people God has blessed you with in your life. It's easy to get swooped up in valentine's bliss with your significant other, but extend your love to anyone within arms reach. It feels good to be loved :)
This is Ben's and my second Valentine's Day together. Last year we were living 15 hours apart and had a "date" via skype. Luckily this year we are able to physically be together.
Spring is upon us here in VA, we spent an amazing weekend in Charlottesville and Richmond with another couple embracing the warmth of spring and the beauty of the mountains. I've been leaving my winter coat in the car and just embracing the chill that lingers in the air. I love the changing of seasons mostly because I adore the anticipation of what is yet to come. Out with the old - in with the NEW! And yes, spring of 2011 has much to offer. I feel completely overwhelmed with blessing and privilege when I think of all the opportunities and endless possibilities God is presenting me. *happy sigh*
Be blessed today and bless others with the gift of love!
This photograph makes me ache for my own space. Soon. Soon. Soon!

The last year has been one of change. Moving to GR. Moving to VA. Different jobs. Re-designing my future. Re-discovering my passions. It was also a year filled with struggle. I struggled with my family, my finances, my self worth, my purpose, my future, my past... you get the jist.
The last year has been one of change. Moving to GR. Moving to VA. Different jobs. Re-designing my future. Re-discovering my passions. It was also a year filled with struggle. I struggled with my family, my finances, my self worth, my purpose, my future, my past... you get the jist.
When I first moved to VA, Ben and I attended a "miracle offering" service at his church. Every year Wave church does this. Members bring their greatest needs to God with a seemingly risky financial offering - believing that our God is a God that can do anything. And wow, do people have testimonies. This particular service I was broke (and frustrated about that fact) and had the same stress and anxiety that I had for the prior 6 months... money. Student loans. Medical bills. More medical bills. I felt like I was drowning. So I gave a chunk of what I had- knowing I could and should have offered even more- and I asked for provision. I didn't want to be held down by these roller coaster emotions of anxiety and feel like I couldn't be a part of the ministries and opportunities I ultimately felt called to do because I had to make a significant paycheck every month.
God has provided every step of the way. In wonderful ways. Starting with my temporary job at the American Cancer Society- which was stressful, but gave me the experience I needed to get my next position at the Hermitage museum where I currently work. Both of these positions had immense numbers of applications and even interviews of which I was obviously chosen from. Although, taking the second job was a leap of faith because it required a bit of a pay cut- but its provided the exact experience I want and need and also allows me to work in my area of concentration. I see it being a positive building block for my future. I began doubting the place I was... again.
I began a half-assed search for a second job. Took a retail position at Banana Republic but unfortunately spend most of my pathetic paycheck on their fabulous clothes. A new beer bar was opening up in Norfolk and I decided I would give it a shot even though they'd been hiring for months. Turns out, of all the applications they received, I was the only person they responded to. (This seems to be a trend. thank you, God.)
Needless to say- From opening day there has been consistent money flowing to this business and a significant amount going into my bank account. God has answered a HUGE, and on-going plea and prayer. I cannot say how long it will last, but for the time being He has blessed me with freedom to pay my bills and then some without a financial worry in the world. I'm so ecstatic I've put realistic plans into action to be debt free (minus a school loan) in 4 months. (!) I feel unworthy, but so honored.
God is faithful in answering our prayers when we are faithful in bringing Him our needs and trusting He is who He says He is.
Out with the Old and in with the New!!
Happy 2011!
2010 was filled with changes, emotion, challenges, and adventure. God has shaped me so much the past 365 days; I am overwhelmed by His grace, mercy and love. I am blessed beyond belief with a wonderful family (and some new added members), the most amazing man ever to walk the earth, phenomenal friends and a truly loving and solid community around me. I hope everyone takes a moment or two to reflect on their favorite moments of 2010. I made a little top 10 list of my own. There were many to chose from... it's not as easy as you think once you look back on the year.
Best moments/memories of 2010.
(in no specific order)
- Moving in with my best friend in GR
- Road trip to Cincinnati, OH with Ben, Calen, and Laura to visit Casey and Miah. aka-the weekend Ben asked if I would date him.
- Week in DC with Ben
- Road Trip to Nashville, TN with Ben aka the weekend Ben told me he loved me.
- My little sister's high school graduation weekend in GR
- Climbing on Ben's rooftop to listen to the new Tallest Man on Earth album at 3am.
- Ginger's wedding!
- 4th of July at the beach
- Christmas in Florida
- Bus trip to NYC!
Happy New Year :)
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